painting services
Exterior & Interior Painting
Ceiling Painting
Cabinet & Door Re-Painting
Paint Removal
Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling
Deck, Trim & Baseboard Work
Wallpaper Removal
Laundry & Room Remodeling
Floor Service
Window Installments
The way we estimate the price in these services may differ from each service.
When estimating a painting job, we typically considers factors such as the:
Size of the area to be painted
Type and condition of the surface
Number of coats needed
Quality of paint to be used
Any necessary preparation work
Labor costs
Equipment costs
Operating costs
We may also take into account travel time, permits, and any specialized techniques or materials required for the job. After assessing these factors, the team will provide a detailed quote outlining the total cost of the project.
For example, let’s say we are doing 5 rooms from the inside of your home, the estimated price would come out to 3,500 - 5,000 around that ballpark. This is including everything we mentioned at the top of the screen. Remember it could always be cheaper or more expensive depending on the project. We will remind you if there are any changes over the phone or through email. Keeping in contact with us discussing the best way to make your home the most amazing home in the neighborhood.
Contact us for more information to allow us to inspect your project and idea.
A&D Drywall Painting
A&D Serving Cary, Durham, Clayton, Raleigh, Henderson, Greensboro, Chapel Hill, Morrisville, Mebane, Fuquay-Varina, Holly Springs, Carpenter, Pittsboro, The Downs, Friendship, Hillsborough, Will-O-Dean Acres, Williams Crossroads, Apex, Burlington
Extra Phone number: (984)-344-5711
Email us
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